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Tetracam ADC Snap + FirePoint 100 GPS

Tetracam ADC Snap + FirePoint 100 GPS

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Kamera ADC Snap je zapouzdřena ve stejném krytu jako ADC Micro. Má stejnou hmotnost, spotřebu energie a připojovací rozhraní. Oproti předchozím verzím kamer série ADC ale používá 1,3 MPix čip s elektronickou „global snap“ uzávěrkou. Použití takové uzávěrky zaručí snímky bez rozmazání z důvodu rychlého pohybu. To je využitelné zejména na bezpilotních letounech, které nejsou vybaveny stabilizací kamery či nízko letících dronů a dronů typu „křídlo“. Velmi rychlá uzávěrka je velmi užitečná i při plánování letu a následném zpracování dat, kdy nedochází k časovým prodlevám z důvodu pomalé spouště a snímky k sobě pak správně pasují.

Vývojáři firmy Tetracam s oblibou používali na testování tohoto systému větrák na svém stole a pomocí ADC Snap pořizovali ostré snímky listů vrtule. Rychlost ADC Snap je v tomto ohledu plně srovntalená s výkonnými průmyslovými kamerami.

Kamera a doprovodný software PixelWrench2 jsou velmi vhodné pro snímání a zpracování multispektrálních snímků plodin a lesů a zkoumání různých ekosystémů.

Software PixelWrench2 dokáže barevně a dávkově zpracovat RAW a DCM Tetracam soubory tak, aby z nich bylo možné vyčíst množství vegetačních indexů.

Kamera ADC Snap je speciálně vyvinuta pro použití na bezpilotních leteckých prostředcích , které nejsou vybaveny stabilizací kamery (gimbal).

Pro více informací: Tetracam

Součást dodávky:

ADC Snap kamera
16 GB MicroSD paměťová karta
Externí testovací a kontrolní jednotka
Odolný kufr Pelican Case
12 VDC externí adaptér
Kabel pro externí testovací a kontrolní jednotku
Kabel pro spínání spouště (bez konektoru na druhém konci)
USB kabel
Bílý teflonový kalibrační štítek
CD se softwarem PixelWrench2 a veškerou dokumentací (anglicky)

Technické specifikace
System Overview

90 gram 1.3 MPel Multi-spectral

R-G-NIR System principally designed for operation aboard unmanned aircraftThe ADC Snap, ADC Micro and ADC Lite are specifically designed  for operation aboard unmanned aerial vehicles.  The advantage of the ADC Snap is that its faster image capture time optimizes this camera for high-speed flight close to the ground or for use with UAV systems that are prone to yawing, pitching or rolling.Multi-spectral Bands

3-Fixed Green, Red, NIR (Equivalent to Landsat TM2, TM3, TM4)


The ADC Snap Busy LED is located on the lower right side of the front of the camera.

Red indicates a Busy condition.  Green, a Not Busy condition.  When this indicator is lit green, the camera is ready to capture a new image.

The ADC Snap Busy LED glows red at the exact beginning of integration of an image into the camera’s sensor.  The indicator stays red until the image is saved in memory.  During this time, the camera is not able to capture another image.  When this LED is green, the camera is not busy and another image may be captured.

Memory16 GB Micro SD Memory Card provided standard with equipmentIn order to run at the fastest image cycle time we recommend use of 16GB Sandisk Extreme Plus or Extreme Pro Class 10/UHS-1 Micro SD memory cards.  Camera cycle time with these cards should be less than 1 second in the raw 10 bit RWS10 format.

Default Ports

Video (NTSC or Pal), USB, RS232 Serial, Remote Shutter (External Trigger)

Video (NTSC or PAL) Used to view system menus for system configuration or to act as camera viewfinder.  The video format and viewing mode (system menus or viewfinder) are user selectable.

Video is accessible through the ADC Snap’s Interconnection Pins 12 and 13.  These pins may be connected to the Test and Control Box Assembly which contains an RCA video connector or they can be wired to a monitor or video transmitter via an included Un-terminated System Integration Cable.
USB USB 2.0 used to connect the camera to a computer for system configuration

The USB 2.0 connection for the camera is located on top of the housing as shown in the illustration below. For reliable USB 2.0 communications, good quality USB 2.0 rated cables should be used that are less than 2 meters in length. The camera uses too much initial power to be supplied directly from the USB cable. It must have an external power supply attached prior to being plugged in for enumeration.

The camera always operates as a USB Disk device when attached to a host. The camera will be recognized by its volume ID “TTCDISKS” when the Pixelwrench2 GPS Distiller application is started. Files can be dragged and dropped to and from the camera from any personal computer that has USB disk drivers.

RS232 Serial Principally used to connect to devices that stream continuous GP coordinates or other location information in standard NMEA sentences to the camera through its Interconnection Pins 7 and 8.  These pins may be connected to the Test and Control Box Assembly  for connection via a 3.5mm stereo phone plug to an external device or wired directly to the external device via an included Un-terminated System Integration Cable.

By default, the camera serial port is configured 4800 – 8 – N –1, the NMEA 0183 standard configuration.  Serial configuration may be altered via system menus.  GPS coordinates and other data is saved in the camera’s image memory as metadata.  This may be extracted by PixelWrench2 or other application software.  The serial port may also be used to control the camera from an external serial interface using simple text commands (see User Manual for details).

Remote Shutter Used as an external trigger to initiate image capture through the ADC Snap’s Interconnection Pin 5.  Images are triggered by grounding pin 5.

+ 9.0 VDC to + 14.7 VDC (160 mA); Two watts nominal

ADC Snap Sensor

520nm to 920nm

Size in Pixels

1.3 MPel

1280 x 1024 pixels


6.59 mm x 4.9 mm

Pixel Size

5.0 microns

Focal Length
8.43 mm fixed lens

Horizontal Angle of View
37.67 degrees

Consult FOV calculator in PixelWrench2 – See also FOV Android APP

Vertical Angle of View
28.75 degrees

Consult FOV calculator in PixelWrench2 – See also FOV Android APP

Default Depth of Field
~3 m to infinity

Consult FOV calculator in PixelWrench2 – See also FOV Android APP

Image Exposure time

Auto or menu-selectable in ms

Image Triggering

On-Camera Shutter Release, Auto-Timer,  Remote Shutter (External Trigger),  RS232 Serial Trigger

Default Image Dimensions

1.3 Megapixel (1280 x 1024 pixels)

ADC Snap image size may be adjusted to an alternate image size via system menu selection

Default Image Storage Medium

The ADC Snap stores all images and metadata on a standard 16 GB Micro SD memory card which is inserted into the camera in the Memory Card slot beneath the Busy Indicator.  The Micro SD card may be inserted directly into a computer that will accept such cards or it may be connected to a computer through a Micro SD/USB adapter provided with the camera.

Default Image File Types

.RWS   is the snap shutter version of the .RAW files saved be other cameras. After removal of noise and pixel reordering, these are converted to .RAW images.

.DCS  is a snap shutter variant of the .DCM compressed format.

The shifting scheme of the sensor and the fact that these sensors are susceptible to high dark current noise require correcting these problems during post-processing on the host computer.  Consequently, the images taken by the ADC Snap camera have different file extensions than those of the rest of the ADC family to enable PixelWrench2 to recognize that special post-processing correction to these images will be necessary.  Once processed, image file formats are translatable via PixelWrench2 into other common image file types such as BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, etc.

Images initially appear as monochrome images.  PixelWrench2’s Index Tools enable users to translate monochrome images to false color images and then derive vegetation indices such as NDVI from these.

The RWS files are quite large – 2.6 megabytes for the 10 bit format and 1.3 megabytes for the 8 bit format. Compression (DCS format) cuts the size of the files in half and retains full precision, but takes longer to capture. The DCS compressed continuous mode may be designated as “low speed”. Besides the smaller file size, another advantage of the DCS format is that the files contain previews which speed up the image access speed using Pixelwrench2.

Typical Number of Images Captured Per Mission Approximately 5000 + images depending upon selected file type (i.e., 10 bit DCM lossless, 8 bit RAW, and 10 bit RAW file types).

Higher numbers of images may be captured per mission by substituting an optional larger Micro SD Card for the 16 GB card included in the camera’s standard contents.

Image Capture Interval(Speed dependent on SD Card Features)
Capacity:(DCS10) Approx.1.8MB per image
(RWS10)2.6MB per image
(RWS8)  1.3 MB per imageRate:(DCS10) Capture to end of cycle: ~ 3 sec. 

(RWS10) Capture to ready : 1.0 sec.

(RWS 8)  Capture to ready : 1.2 sec.

The highest rate of capture is with the 10 Bit RWS file format, at about one picture per every second, depending on the speed of the micro SD memory card. For users who want more pictures on a card, and do not need precision, the 8 bit RWS format is the next fastest, about 2.5 to 3.5 seconds per picture.

The camera can capture still images at reduced resolution to speed up the camera cycle time. Choose 1280 X 1024 for full resolution shots and 1+ second cycle time. Choose 640 X 512 for half resolution and .5 second cycle time.

Included Software
PixelWrench2 is included with each purchase of an ADC SnapPixelWrench2 enables users to convert images captured in Tetracam native file formats to file types commonly used with other software.  The software also enables users to convert the green, red and invisible NIR bands captured by the camera as a monochrome image into blue, green and red respectively for presentation in false color images and, following this, extraction of vegetation indices such as NDVI from these.   See PixelWrench Product Web Page and the Help menu in the software for further details.
90 g
75 mm x 59 mm x 33 mmEnvironmental
Note: the camera will operate outside of the recommended environmental range, however performance may be degraded.Temperature
0 degrees Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit to 104 degrees Fahrenheit)Humidity
Less than 85% relative humidity, non-condensing